Jersey Geology Trail |
Publications. |
Jersey Geology Trail by R. A. H. Nichols, Ph.D. and A. E. Hill, Ph.D.
A series of explanatory notes on selected traverses. |
Jersey Geology Photo Trail by R. A. H. Nichols, Ph.D.
Jersey is the largest of the British Channel Islands and has a geology that is different to that of the United Kingdom. The international importance of Jersey's geology has been widly recognised, including by the British Geological Survey and Jersey's government which has recently legally protected the most important sites.
The Jersey Geological Photo Trail contains over 250 photographs and images of the striking variety of rock types found in outcrops on Jersey's coves, cliffs and cliff paths.
This is not just a rock guide. For each outcrop covered salient features are illustrated which will assist in the interpretation of their mode of formation and subsequent evolution within the island's landscape.
In Jersey there are examples of all major rock classes (sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic) and it is their colours, textures and structures which make them so striking. the photographs and captions in this book captures the beauty of Jersey's rocks and offers an excellent introduction to the island's geology. |
Jersey's Geological Heritage - Sites of Special Interest by Ralph Nichols & Samantha Blampied
The island of Jersey has a geology that is significantly different to that of the United Kingdom and even from that of the other Channel Islands. Many of the island's geological sites are of regional and international significance and some have attracted global attention.
In recognition of this the States of Jersey has designated 22 of the island's most important geological outcrops as Sites of Special Interest (SSIs) so that they may be protected from development and preserved for future public enjoyment and research purposes. this booklet offers an introduction to all of Jersey's geological SSIs with the aim of promoting knowledge of their existence to residents and tourists and highlighting their importance to amateur and professional scientists.
All the islands geological SSIs are covered here along with information about their location plus basic descriptions and photographs which highlight each site's significance and its salient features. |
Jersey Geology Ramblers' Guide by Ralph Nichols Ph.D. |
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