There are several Geologists, Engineering Geologists, and Gemmologists living and working in Jersey and connected with La Société Jersiaise (
Consulting geologists with extensive research knowledge of Jersey and certain regions overseas are Dr. John Renouf and Dr. John Sharp, while Dr. Ralph Nichols is a retired field and research geologist available for consultation. Dr. Arthur Hill is a retired research chemist and a gemmologist currently tutoring in gemmology, and is also available for consultation.
Dr. J. T. Renouf (Tel. 01534 741545. Fax. 01534 499713)
Dr. J. C. Sharp (Tel. 01534 481234 & 483040)
Dr. R. A. H. Nichols (Tel. 01534 862756. e-mail.
Dr. A. E. Hill (Tel. 01534 871748. e-mail.
There is a Geology Section in La Société Jersiaise, 7, Pier Rd. St. Helier, JE2 4XW (Tel. 01534 758314. Fax. 01534 888262) and members meet on the second and fourth Fridays of each month. They are keen amateurs and professionals of different disciplines and interests which include Geology, Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Gemmology, Chemistry and Publishing. They may be contacted through La Société Jersiaise, 7, Pier Road, St. Helier. Each year, our programme consists of talks on various geological topics, visits to various island sites and preparation of samples of samples collected. The topics discussed, range from rocks, minerals and fossils to volcanic activity, folding, faulting and earthquakes. The visits are to the best exposures of the island rocks, often along the coastal sections, and to quarries where specimens are collected to compile a data base of the rock types used as building stone and masonry. The preparation involves cutting, slicing and polishing the collected specimens to see their distinctive mineralogy and textures. It is hoped to make thin sections in the near future. Visits to Normandy and Brittany are arranged once or twice a year to study the geology of adjacent areas and dinner meetings are held once a month during which there is often a short rock, mineral, or fossil quiz. Visits to various development sites are also monitored at times, as new ground is exposed, and a systematic collection and photographic archive programme would be a valuable addition to our activities and a welcome addition to the geological knowledge of the island. Related to this, we are often helped by, and work closely with Archaeology Section members who keep a sharp eye on all development, exploring and recording all contexts. Our members and their interests/expertise are as follows:
Mr. Colin Cheney (Chairman; Geology, Hydrogeology)
Dr. Arthur Hill (Past Chairman; Chemistry, Mineralogy, Gemmology)
Dr. Ralph Nichols. (Secretary; Geology, Archaeology)
Mrs. Jayne Nichols. (Geology, Mineralogy, Archaeology)
Dr. Paul Chambers (Palaeontology, Geology, Publishing)
Mr. Nick Bate (Engineering, Geology)
Mr. Roger Jones. (Publishing, Geology)
Dr. Tony Ellison (GP ret.)
Mr. Clive Garner (Dent. Surg. ret.)
Mrs. Ann Eastham (Geology)
Mr. & Mrs. David & Ingrid Bihet (Geology)
Mr. David Naylor (Geology)
Mrs. Stella Hoy (Geology)
Ms. Jenny Ellinger (Geology)
Mr. Steve Bailey (Geology)
Ms. Fiona Davies (Geology) |